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US Navy Announces WITHDRAWAL Of Aircraft Carrier and Destroyer from Red Sea

US Navy Announces WITHDRAWAL Of Aircraft Carrier and Destroyer from Red Sea

The United States Navy has announced it is withdrawing the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier, and the Destroyer USS Greeley, from the Red Sea.  They are redeploying to the Mediterranean Sea.

The vessels had been deployed to the Red Sea to challenge Houthis from the country of Yemen, who are firing missiles against ships in the Red Sea attempting to travel to or from Israel.  This is a Blockade of Israel for bombing Palestinians in Gaza.

The efforts by the US and the United Kingdom (UK) against the Houthis seem to have failed.

Ships are still being hit with missiles fired from Yemen.  Insurance Carriers are forbidding vessels from transiting the Red Sea for fears they will be hit.

The US and UK have been making air strikes on missile launchers in Yemen, but somehow the Houthis continue to fire more.

The US has been using MQ-9 "Reaper" drones over Yemen to gather intelligence, but the Houthis have now SHOT DOWN two of those $32 Million Dollar drones!

(HT Remark: Frankly, I thought they sent the Eisenhower to the Red Sea with the intention it be sunk.  Apparently not.)



April into May Fund Raising

The final week of each calendar month, I reach out to readers like you to help keep the lights for this website and radio show.   It's a big endeavor and without YOU, it cannot go on.

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It take a LOT of money and time to do this website and a radio show five nights a week.  All this is possible because of YOU.

This website has no ads.  The radio show has no paying commercials. All by design.  Advertisers don't like controversy, and telling the TRUTH, is now very controversial.  So rather than try to satisfy spineless advertisers, I boldly report the REAL news and REAL opinions, without fear of being driven out by the politically-correct tyrants.  But this is only possible because YOU help keep the lights on.

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Harold Turner

P.O. Box 421

North Bergen, NJ  07047



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


Radio Station Info

The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

WBCQ Freq. 7490 KHz and 6160 KHz

WRMI Freq. 5950 KHz and 7730 KHz

WWCR Freq. 7520 KHz

The Show is also RE-BROADCAST each morning on WWCR on Frequency 7490 from 9:00 AM until 10:00 AM eastern US time


WBCQ 7490 and WRMI  7730